2 halos for a pulse? lol
Trade the 75$ Halo for a Egg with Zboard? It's missing 2 screws and the battery door is broken...but I could add like 20$.
LMK, Thanks.
um... a noob question whats the difference between the two halos? how come the $25 difference, also about how fast does a halo that you are selling feed?
read the specs on them, one halo has a shocktech kit in it... meaning all of the internals are aftermarket parts, hence the $25 price differnce (its $65 in aftermarket parts, plus the speedfeed) but the shells are in rough shape so i took off some money for that
halos feed at 24bps i believe... the shocktech halo is way faster than that though
pants = 40
halo = 65
shocktech halo = 90
I cant read PM's so just post it here, for some reason they dont work on this site... its most likely my computer cuz its a piece but yeah just post here with your offer or whatever you got.
No wonder you did not reply earlier to my PM's LOL
Interested in the $65 halo where can we meet? No cracks in the shell? scratchs are ok but no cracks
ill be in edmonton at pag this thursday, we could do it then if you want?
I will have to check to see if I can make it thursday, i will post here
emailed you, I'll be at PAG tuesday, call me
up everythings still availalbe... goat backed out
pretty firm on those prices...but let me know ill be in edmonton at the tourney sunday only
Damn, I'm playing Rookie, won't be there on Sunday...wanna stop by for like 5 minutes on Saturday... I could probably do 85$...