I found this list on some website, I found it amusing, and thought I would share

1. I refer to my paintball gun as a marker.
2. When buying paint I inspect the goods for freshness as though they were vegetables.
3. I have named my gun.
4. I have slept with my gun or other gear.
5. I commonly wear paintball clothing in public.
6. I talk to my gun.
7. My paintball gun/marker has more upgrades than my car.
8. I prefer going out more with my paintball gun/marker than my girlfriend or wife.
9. I drive by the local field just for the heck of it.
10. I love the smell of a paintball field.
11. I love the smell of Co2 or Compressed Air.
12. I discharge Co2 bottles to cool beverages.
13. My gun/marker is worth more than my car/bike.
14. 23 shots per second isn't fast enough, technology can do better.
15. I know what a warp loader is.
16. When meeting new people I look for vunerability.
17. ALL of my friends play paintball.
18. I subscribe to at least one paintball magazine.
19. I can discuss the differences and qualities of paintballs for more than an hour.
20. I have won a paintball tournament.
21. I have gotten paid or sponsored to play paintball.
22. I want to get paid or sponsored to play paintball.
23. All the trees in my backyard have paint splats on them.
24. Paintball should be an Olympic Sport.
25. I'd rather be playing paintball, right now.
26. I decorated my room/house with a paintball gun.
27. My paintball gun hangs in my pickup truck.
28. I think nothing of firing my paintball gun in my house.
29. My paintball gun is aways in my hands.
30. I wear my paintball gun like it was jewelry, I always have it with me.
31. I have, or have seriously thought about, taking my girlfriend or a woman on a date, which included playing paintball at my local paintball field.
32. Without me my gun is useless.
33."I spend more money on paintball related materials then groceries." or... I" only buy clothes that will be usefull while paintballing."
34. You know how to take your gun appart blindfolded.
35. You actually enjoy the flavour of quality paintballs.
36. You spend more than 6 hours a day checking out paintball web sites comparing prices.
37. You wear your Paintball Pants to bed as pyjamas.
38. You know how to remove the CO2 Tank without making it hiss.
39. You own more paintball clothes than regular clothes.
40. you can name all the pros in alphabetical order