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Thread: Pump Arms Race

  1. #1

    Pump Arms Race

    Hey Everyone,
    I'm looking to start some discussion on what everyone thinks about the pump scenes arms race. Every one of us is familiar with how the Arms Race has taken over Paintball as a whole. But I've really been noticing it at our pump nights. More and more people are switching to Direct Feed Hoppers and bulk tanks. Also the Autotriggers are seeing more and more use.

    I've definitely been guilty on all of the above, but I'm now reassessing why I play pump.
    I play for the challenge. Having each elimination be a matter of skill and technique. To play a smarter game. I have noticed a significant change in my game when I play "open pump". And I don't like it.

    I am personally going to try and play only stock class for at least the next several months worth of pump nights. I'll break out the 3.5oz tank when I don't have 12 grams, but otherwise strictly rock & cock. I hope to see an improvement in my game, and I challenge as many people as are willing to drop their bulk hoppers and play stock class or modified stock class (I know 12 grams are expensive and wasteful).

    Now of course there are times when it's just plain old fun to shoot a bunch of paint. For exactly this reason I've set up hopper-ball games again. I've even purchased a cheap semi to throw paint...

    I look forward to hearing peoples comments.
    Paul La Rue

    Exiles Web Comic

    Paul's For Sale Page/

  2. #2
    Incognito Johnni's Avatar
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    I've always prefered the look with the lack of a hopper. Personally I'm a fan of modified stock class. Smaller, lighter and looks better without the loader.

    Besides, if you have a hopper on there, you might as well shoot a semi cuz at this point that's all you have; a slow "semi" looking set up and less stable shooting platform cuz auto-triggering's gonna have your barrel shaking all over. And besides, timmies and egos have prettier milling.

  3. #3
    Purple People Painter angie007ca's Avatar
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    I love playing stock class! I love how small and light it makes the gun feel. I like 12 grams sometimes, but I still like to run a tank for consistancy, and to be cost effective. I just recently played with my vert body and a small 45 round hopper. I liked it because It was kinda nice not having to reload all the time and I didn't need to carry any pods or anything. I do think I am more accurate with the stock body tho, because it is easier for me to aim down the top of my gun! I could probly go either way, but I see Paul's point for sure.

    Darren, Brian and I went to the senario game at young guns today, and played semi for about half the day. It was a blast, but I had some reg problems (creeping) so we decided to switch to our phantoms. We had a better time playing pump, and we actually did better also! We were in an area where there were about 5 other guys with semis, and we got them all out with our pump guns! Felt pretty good!!! I LOVE PUMP!!!

  4. #4
    Snapper Head Smasher SnowDawgy's Avatar
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    Edmonton, Clareview


    Well I have always played with my 45 hopper cause of a few reasons:
    A: I am lazy and hate reloading all the time/
    B: I carry 2 acorns so that I can stay on the field for 5+ games in a row
    C: I run HPA cause again I am lazy
    D: Like having fire power cause I am lazy and slow and like to have time to run to my next bunker
    E: I now will play with my TAC8 to bump up skills and running, but it is nice to bring out the phantom and score some hits as my ego needs a boost from time to time.
    F: ppl keep trying to bunker me
    G: I like to walk up the field in the open and have the fire power to keep you in your bunker till I get there hehehee
    H: Just cause ok
    Remember kids: Walk, Don't Run!

  5. #5
    Personally, I find that the biggest advantage to using a stick feed w/12 grams or a small tank is that you are a much smaller target.

    If you chose to handi-cap yourself with a pump, but still use a larger tank and a hopper.. that's fine by me.

    Hoppers are easy targets...and balls NEVER bounce.

    I did notice there were a few guys out there with 200 round loaders and nitro tanks, but for the most part, I never really noticed them auto-triggering very much.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005

    stock rocks

    I like the low profile and smooth looks of a stock class body. It has been a while since I broke out the vert feed not because I have felt that I need to carry more balls. It is for the hopper shots. I have been noticing that a lot of players don't know where their hoppers are.

    Now Paul are you saying that players should play stock more overall or on pumps nights. God knows I play stock on walk on nights just to give the other players the warm fuzzy feeling that they could win.

    BTW, I love the Micro CA stock I wish I could get a AGD 6 pack.

  7. #7
    Snapper Head Smasher SnowDawgy's Avatar
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    I have not noticed the auto triggering either but then again I am not looking. I think some of the newer players to pump might like having the big hopper ect. as it makes them feel more confident, I think you are going up a skill level when you go as a purist stockclass player. I guess I would say if you are playing a different style on the field because of they way others are playing that is a personal issue. Incognito was having that same problem at a tourney I was working and were talking with me cause they were not doing well in the morning, I simply observed that they were trying to play against semis like semi players and that they are pump players and should start playing like pump players, they took the advice and stood a good chance of winning their div. if they had started earlier
    I think we can't get elitist at pump night and have to encourage other to try playing different by example. I let the blazers take out each other and pick up the pieces when they are done, you know how to camp a bunker don't you Paul and wait it out
    Remember kids: Walk, Don't Run!

  8. #8
    NytBlade, pump nights are "open pump", so you can use whatever type of pump you like. I'm encouraging stock class play, but by no means does anyone have to play that type of pump.

    SnowDawgy, I totally agree with you. New pump players tend to play with hoppers, and for the most part should. It's a much eaiser transition to play with a hopper.

    Lastly, patience is a very important skill. Camping a bunker takes years and years of practice.
    Paul La Rue

    Exiles Web Comic

    Paul's For Sale Page/

  9. #9
    i cant stand using a hopper. i prefer stick feed and a 3.5 oz.
    I havent noticed much auto-trig, but then again i havent been to pump night for about 2 months

  10. #10
    Purple People Painter angie007ca's Avatar
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    LOL, I tried to auto trigger last pump night and I really suck at it! I couldn't shoot strait for the life of me!!! I think I will be better off not to do that anymore!

  11. #11
    I am too new to the pump scene to notice an arm's race, but I know myself I use a 200 round hopper and bulk tank, because that's what I have. I am looking for a stock class marker and have my eyes set on a Buzzard, just need to save up and buy one. Can't wait to try stock class.
    Valhalla when I die!

  12. #12
    I know chris purser usually plays stick class, talk to him.

    PS: I really want to get started in pump play. What is the first pump gun i should buy?

  13. #13
    If you want to use 12 grams and a stick feed, get yourself a nice stock class phantom.

    If you want to have constant air, and a larger hopper/loader, get yourself a cocker with a pump kit a.k.a Sniper II's or Chipley SS25's

    I personally have a series 5 cocker with a 13CU 3000psi air tank and a 10 round stick feed.

    Really, the options are endless, and completely up to your preferance.

  14. #14
    Is a phantom grav feed with bottom line any good?

  15. #15
    their all good. jsut personal prefernce on how you want yours to be set up

  16. #16
    thanks guys

  17. #17
    Defrost Str8killas
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    There is a really nice phantom at pag right now.

    and think of it this way for all you pump sniping super stars....
    hopper=bigger target

  18. #18
    I play stock class for the challange and so I don't spend big dollars by the end of the day. Also it's not a big target.

    When I first started I played bulk feed with a bulk tank only because it's what I had now the largest hopper I'll use is a 50 rounder because I don't like the weight and the larger target, It's also the main reason why I won't play with a semi.

    The last time that I can remember seeing anyone over using the auto trigger was you Paul when you had your chipley I rarely remember you shoting single shots with it(my memory might be really bad but it stuck out) and yet while your outs per game went down you were still in the games as much as you are now, you have to admit it's due to your experience and skill 'cause there are few who can do what you do on game nights.

  19. #19
    OK everyone, don't get me wrong. I've noticed an "increase" in autotrigging, but it's not a rampant problem or anything like that. It's just been creeping up. Then again, I've been thinking about this for a while, and "looking for it".
    Ya, that chipley had a nice autotrigger...too nice, that's why I parted with it actually.
    Paul La Rue

    Exiles Web Comic

    Paul's For Sale Page/

  20. #20
    World Cup Team Rob Buzzy's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Pesonally I'd blame Paul after all, he IS the one that talked me into buying the Chipley.
    I like challenges, there's the challenge of putting all those balls in a tight group, and not short stroking.

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