Hey Everyone,
I'm looking to start some discussion on what everyone thinks about the pump scenes arms race. Every one of us is familiar with how the Arms Race has taken over Paintball as a whole. But I've really been noticing it at our pump nights. More and more people are switching to Direct Feed Hoppers and bulk tanks. Also the Autotriggers are seeing more and more use.

I've definitely been guilty on all of the above, but I'm now reassessing why I play pump.
I play for the challenge. Having each elimination be a matter of skill and technique. To play a smarter game. I have noticed a significant change in my game when I play "open pump". And I don't like it.

I am personally going to try and play only stock class for at least the next several months worth of pump nights. I'll break out the 3.5oz tank when I don't have 12 grams, but otherwise strictly rock & cock. I hope to see an improvement in my game, and I challenge as many people as are willing to drop their bulk hoppers and play stock class or modified stock class (I know 12 grams are expensive and wasteful).

Now of course there are times when it's just plain old fun to shoot a bunch of paint. For exactly this reason I've set up hopper-ball games again. I've even purchased a cheap semi to throw paint...

I look forward to hearing peoples comments.