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Thread: 1/8" npt 90

  1. #1

    1/8" npt 90

    I am trying to make a BT sa17 bottom line kit work with a Warsensor Zeus G2+ and i got knowing i will need to do some dremelling but am having a hard time sourcing a 90 degree fitting i want to come out of the dummie 12g. Does anyone know the best source for things like that in Edmonton.
    Also, the holes in the asa line up with one pair of holes in the gun but the bolts are bigger. i think the zeus is standard and perhaps BT uses a non industry standard for their bottom line. does anyone know what the standard thread for ASA/dropforward mounting screws is and a good place to get them.
    I guess what would be best is if someone knew what the best hardwear store for a PB modder is.

    Thank all,

  2. #2
    Well, for anyone reading this, ill keep updating. maybe someone else is trying to do something similar. I went to princess auto, got 1/8" npt fittings. i had to get a m to m 90 and an f to f strait because the only f to m 90 had a swivel and that would not seal with the hose i had. I also went to home depot, i found m4 machine screws for drawer hardware that fit into the holes on the bottom of my zeus. So yay, i dont need to drill and re tap the holes for #10 32, which is what i have found to be standard. to sum up, BT= standard thread, zeus= metric.
    Onward with my first attempt at airsmithing, now were did i put my dremel?

  3. #3


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