where: Tactical Anarchy Paintball ltd
when: sat august 15. 2009

registration at 10 am play will start at 11 am till 5-6 pm

field fees $ 10 if you have your own equipment
$ 17 if your using our equipment ( limited to tweenty markers)
karnage paint $ 60 a case.
hpa fill station (if enough needed will have co2 as well)

rules and missions will follow shortly .

come check out new scenerio field , west of stony plain on highway 627 to range road 44, south 8 kms to township rd 511a then west 2 kms to field. this will be the first of many scenerio games planned and hopefully an annual event .. (will also have some prizes depending on attendance)

to register call desmond at 780 777 5520